The Founder's Log - August 2022
As it traditionally is, August is a quieter month, with many subscribers going away on holiday. It allowed us to focus on onboarding three new clients: a residential care business and an accountancy practice. The final client is a country-wide pharmacy chain whose onboarding we have worked on for a few months. They should be going live this month!
Our latest client story featuring our friends at Zappshelter went live in August, which you can watch below! And we have a couple more client stories in the editing suite.
New Podcast Episodes
Due to the summer holidays and the kids being at home, Kyle and I opted not to record any podcasts.
New Videos
We put out only two new videos in August. Again due to the school holidays, the regular schedule should return this month! The two videos that made it were the Zappshelter client story previously mentioned and an updated video on starring emails in Gmail.
August Assistance and Support Statistics
In August, 53 subscribers got in contact. Of those getting in touch, 38 requested assistance (they want to know how to do something better). The remaining 15 asked for support (something is not working as it should).
73.6% (39) of subscribers who sent a message to us received a response and returned to doing their work within five minutes. 22.6% (12) received a reply and returned to their work within 30 minutes. The remaining two contacts took slightly longer, between 30 and 60 minutes, to resolve.
While 100% of subscribers did get in contact through our unique instant messaging service! One subscriber did send their message incorrectly, which meant we could have missed it.
We believe six subscribers would not have needed to contact us during June if the companies they worked for had offered regular training through Learning Sessions by Kimbley IT.