Here is how you can register your current email address as a Google account in two steps.
Whenever you sign up for a web service, say, Zoom, you register your email address with the service and create a password to access your account and use the features Zoom provides. Zoom does not make you create a email address to use the service.
Likewise, with Google, you can use your current email address to register for a Google service, such as access to Google Drive. You won't get forced to use a email address or move your business email to Google.
To register your email address for Google
To register your current email address, you need to navigate to the Google Account sign-up page either by clicking this link (while not already signed into a Google account) or searching Google for "register Google account".
Once you are on the signup page, you will see a form to complete. Naturally, Google will try to get you to register for a email address.
Click Create Account
Select For my personal use
Enter your name, click next
Enter your date of birth and gender, click next
Click Use your existing email
Follow the onscreen instructions.
Once you have completed the form, you can log in to Google Services such as Google Drive, Google Analytics, Google Looker Studio using your current email address. The only service you won't be able to use is Gmail because you didn't create a new email account. You made a way to log in to Google's other services with your current email address.